Saturday, March 15, 2008


Allergic Rhinitis (Common Cold)
According to ayurveda, Allergic Rhinitis caused by toxins present in body (Aama) and due to low immunity. Aama aggravates the levels of kapha and pitta dosha which give rises to allergy induced symptoms.
Sign and symptoms:
  1. Excessive Sneezing
  2. Running Nose
  3. Irritation in Throat
  4. Itching in eyes
  5. Nasal congestion

How to get rid of this problem:

Take mixture of Ginger-Pepper-cardamom-Basil in equal quantity. Take 1/4th teaspoon daily twice with honey.

Other products available in market:

  • Tab.Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiye) 1-1-1
  • Tab.Septilin DS 1-x-1

for 30 days minimum

For chronic rhinitis/cold may write to

Ayurvedic Consultation

Ayurvedic Consultation
Ayurvedic Treatment