Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kidney Stones

Renal Calculi:

Also termed as kidney stones. Common problem between 30-50 year of age factor all over the world. Kidney stones are solid accretions of mineral substances found in urine. Size and no. of stones may vary from 1-5 or more. Generally found in kidney, Ureter and Bladder.

According to ayurveda; Renal calculi (Vrikka-asmari) occur due to imbalance in Kapha dosha. Vitiation in Kapha dosha can bring accumulation of mineral deposits in urinary tract which give rise to kidney stones.

Sign and Symptoms

  1. Acute and severe pain in flanks, lower abdomen and groin area.
  2. Burning urination
  3. Haematuria (Blood in urine)
  4. Sometime nausea / vomitting
  5. rarely fever with rigor


  • Avoid Vitamin C rich diet and fruit like orange, lemon, tomatoes, brinjle etc.
  • Avoid mineral iron rich fruits like Apple, Figs, Pineapples etc.
  • Reduce Beverages such as tea/coffea.
  • Strictly avoid alcohol consumption.

Ayurvedic Medicines beneficial in Renal Calculi are

  • Ashmarihar Kshaye
  • Chandraprabha Vati

Ask me For Treatment of Kidney Stones, Ureter Stones, Bladder Stone:

Treatment Package Cost Rs. 2000/- for 30 days medicine.

100% Success Result with ayurvedic medicines.

No side effects.


Ayurvedic Consultation

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