Saturday, March 15, 2008


Allergic Rhinitis (Common Cold)
According to ayurveda, Allergic Rhinitis caused by toxins present in body (Aama) and due to low immunity. Aama aggravates the levels of kapha and pitta dosha which give rises to allergy induced symptoms.
Sign and symptoms:
  1. Excessive Sneezing
  2. Running Nose
  3. Irritation in Throat
  4. Itching in eyes
  5. Nasal congestion

How to get rid of this problem:

Take mixture of Ginger-Pepper-cardamom-Basil in equal quantity. Take 1/4th teaspoon daily twice with honey.

Other products available in market:

  • Tab.Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiye) 1-1-1
  • Tab.Septilin DS 1-x-1

for 30 days minimum

For chronic rhinitis/cold may write to


Pain around teeth or jaws reffered to Toothache. Generally tootache caused by jaw or tooth problems.
Common Causes:
  1. Cavity formation
  2. Gum problem
  3. Infections
  4. Eruption
  5. Impaction
Ayurvedic Treatment
  1. Clove oil application arround painful area found to be very effective. One can chew the clove by placing in between painful teeth.
  2. Make Mixture in given below quantity
  • Moulsiri 50 gm
  • Holly Basil 50 gm
  • Clove 10gm
  • Neem 50 gm
  • Fitkari (Alum) 20 gm
Daily clean your teeth with this powder. All your dental problem relived.

For any query

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kidney Stones

Renal Calculi:

Also termed as kidney stones. Common problem between 30-50 year of age factor all over the world. Kidney stones are solid accretions of mineral substances found in urine. Size and no. of stones may vary from 1-5 or more. Generally found in kidney, Ureter and Bladder.

According to ayurveda; Renal calculi (Vrikka-asmari) occur due to imbalance in Kapha dosha. Vitiation in Kapha dosha can bring accumulation of mineral deposits in urinary tract which give rise to kidney stones.

Sign and Symptoms

  1. Acute and severe pain in flanks, lower abdomen and groin area.
  2. Burning urination
  3. Haematuria (Blood in urine)
  4. Sometime nausea / vomitting
  5. rarely fever with rigor


  • Avoid Vitamin C rich diet and fruit like orange, lemon, tomatoes, brinjle etc.
  • Avoid mineral iron rich fruits like Apple, Figs, Pineapples etc.
  • Reduce Beverages such as tea/coffea.
  • Strictly avoid alcohol consumption.

Ayurvedic Medicines beneficial in Renal Calculi are

  • Ashmarihar Kshaye
  • Chandraprabha Vati

Ask me For Treatment of Kidney Stones, Ureter Stones, Bladder Stone:

Treatment Package Cost Rs. 2000/- for 30 days medicine.

100% Success Result with ayurvedic medicines.

No side effects.

Monday, March 3, 2008


It is paroxysmal ailment accompanied by severe headache mostly on half side of head. It may associated with Vision, Digestive and or liver problems.
According to ayurveda migrain can be considered as ardhavibhedak roga. Which may occer due to imbalance of tridosha. In maximum cases Pitta dosha is responsible for dilatation of blood vessels which causes onset of attacks of migraine.

Sign & Symptoms:
Headache in halfside of head (Either right or left) and often radiate from eye.
Area of pain may change in different attacks of migraine.
Pain may reccur daily, weekly or monthly.
Nausea and or vomitting.
Blood vessels on affected side may become prominent and pulsating.
One may face numbness or weakness in arm and face.

There are so many causes for migraine like-Hypoglycemia, Infections, Allergy, Certain Drugs, Mal nutrition, Dimnished Vision, Anxiety, Smoking, Drinking, Busy Hectic life, Starvation, Watching Television etc.

There are so many drugs available for migraine but even so many patients doesn't get full relief as there is no medicine till today which can challange 100% cure of migraine. Ayurvedic medicine aims not only to cure severe attacks of migraine but also prevent recurrance in future.
We are treating patients suffering from migraine problem effectively. Its treatment charges vary from Rs.2500/- Rs.7000/- only per month depending on the condition, chronicity and stage of migraine.
For any query you may write us @

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