Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Erection Problem

According to ayurveda; Erectile Dysfunction defined as

Sankalpapravano nityam priyaam vashyaamapi sthreeyam I
na yaathi lingashaithilyaath kadaachidyaathi vaa yadi II
Shwaasaarthaha swinnagaatrshcha moghasankalpacheshtitaha I
mlaanashishnashcha nirbeejaha syodetat klaibyalaxanam II

Even though a man has a strong desire to perform sexual act with a cooperative partner, he cannot perform sexual act because of looseness or absence of erection of his penis. Even if he performs sexual act with his determined efforts he does not get erection and gets afflicted with tiredness, perspiration and frustration to perform sex.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) thus is the inability of a male to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for intercourse.

Erectile dysfunction may sometimes be even termed as “impotence”. The term "erectile dysfunction" can mean the inability to achieve erection, an inconsistent ability to do so, or the ability to achieve only brief erections.

As a general estimate 2-4 out of 10 males suffer from this problem chronically and there are many males who suffer from this problem time to time! Until recently, doctors thought impotence was mainly due to psychological causes. But in the recent year doctors have started believing more than half of all the cases are due to by physical problems.

Causes of ED

1. According to Ayurveda the diseases which cause erectile dysfunction are –

  • · Heart diseases
  • · Anemia
  • · Asthma
  • · Liver disorders
  • · Tiredness

2. Stress, Depression, Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) causes erection problems.

3. So many other Physiological or even psychological or some addiction like smoking and alcoholism related factor are responsible for Erection Problem.

4. Diabetes is one of the main cause amount 25 % of the patients suffering from ED as diabetes may cause nerve deterioration.

5. Dry food, drinks and medicines" cause impotence or erectile dysfunction.

6. Apart from these the imbalance in tridoshas also causes impotence or erectile dysfunction.

How to check erection problem?

Almost all men fail to get an erection some time or the other. This is a normal. However, if the erectile dysfunction seems to bother 25% of the time then one should take medical help especially ayurvedic consultation as it might be a case of male impotence. Men who face Erection Problem must know that they should not neglect the persisting problem and must consult a doctor as soon as possible rather than wait passively.

Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction:

Erectile dysfunction is treatable at any age. In Ayurveda; total treatment in for impotence is called as “Vaajikarana therapy”. This therapy increases the strength of a man to perform sexual act, like a horse.

Vaajikarana therapy leads to-

  • Happiness in life.
  • Good strength in male sexual organ i.e.Penis.
  • Potency to produce child.
  • Increased span/stamina of erection.
Who is Eligible for Vaajikarana Therapy ?

The vajikarana therapy should be administered to persons who are between 18 to 70 years of age.

Which Ayurvedic Treatment may help you?
There are so many treatments and products available in Ayurveda to treat Impotence (ED) of Men. With our Ayurveda formulations you do not have to live with this problem. In most cases, impotence can be successfully treated by our Ayurveda Treatments and patients have been leading their normal happy sexual life.

Our treatment gives you

1. Restores vitality and minimize early discharge.

2. Increase confidence, stamina & energy

3. Helps in penis enlargement

  1. Help to makes more harder erection

Special Courses Ready to use:

*Super Course: Rs.5000/- only for one month medicine.

**Super Special Course: 7500/- only for one month medicine.

One should have to use these courses for 3-4 months depending upon person to person problem and response to medicine.

Write to us at:


*,** conditions apply

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Small Breasts

Enhance your

Small or Sagged Breasts??

Many females feel embarrassed due to their small sized breasts. They always feel nervous and shame while wearing dresses. Other females are used to have big. Full breasts may be dismayed to find then sagging/ loose after delivery of child.
If women themselves were asked asked what part of a women's body do you like the least, most women would respond with their breasts. Natural, full, larger breasts are apparently not common among women.

So many factors are responsible for small breasts.

You may develop your breasts and self esteem too. Herbal breast enhancement should not be looked at as a quick fix. As with all herbal treatments, breast enhancement therapy can take months to achieve the desired results. But, with patience, the use of a good quality herbal breast enhancement treatment will boost the self-esteem of the woman and give her a better body image of herself, with an alternate means of cosmetic enhancement.

Many different internet companies advertise breast enhancement pills. Most of them claim that by taking their ‘natural’ product you can increase your breast size by one to two inches (2 to 3 cup sizes) in just 90 days.

With our completely safe ayurvedic medicine, Many women will begin to see significant results with these herbal formulations in approximately 4 to 8 weeks. However, there are many women who begin to see small results within just the first week or two. Results will vary due to the differences in individual body chemistry and metabolic rate.

Grow your breast now! Ask me how?
Courses offered by us:
Oral Medicine course: 50US$/ 2000 INR per month
Oral medicine Plus Cream: 80US$/ 3200 INR per month

Our courses are free from any side effects as these are prepared from herbs and herbs only.
100% safe n ayurvedic.

order now!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Low Sperm Count

Low Sperm Count- Low Motility-Low Sperm Activity can lead to male infertility. Sperm is the important part of male life. Without active and sufficient amount of sperms one can't reproduce his child. Man can't become father without sperms. There are too many biological and environmental factor responsible for low sperm count-low sperm activity and morphological defects. The causes are:
  1. Age: As the age progresses, fall in sperms production has been noticed.
  2. Addiction: Smoking, cocaine, marijuana, alcohol etc.
  3. Overheating: Overheating of testicles due to fever-hot water bath-tight pants or tight undergarments may leads to reduced production of sperms.
  4. Diseases: Mumps in adulthood, Stress, Varicocele.
  5. Genetic factor: Malformed organ or tissue of reproductive system. Obstruction in Seminal Vesicles.
  6. Environmental factors: Over exposures to toxins, pesticides, hydrocarbon etc.
What is Semen?
Semen is greyish white liquid. It comes out of urethra (Penis) on ejaculation during or after peak of orgasm. Semen can comes out while orgasm only it is not true. Semen can be ejaculate after peak stimulation of mind as well as male organ penis while Masturbation or while sleeping (Nightfall).
Pure Semen should be heavy , sticky, sweet and greyish white & also more in quantity. Normal quantity of semen is 2-5ml. Each ml of semen contains million of sperm (Active, sluggish and dead). Semen acts as a vehicle carry sperms.
Sperm Count:
At least; there must be 20 million sperm count per ml of semen. 75% or more sperms should be alive for conception.

Oligospermia: when the sperm count is below normal in semen i.e. low then it is termed as Azoospermia. When there is no sperm in semen then it is called azoospermia. This condition is very difficult to treat.

How to increase sperm count naturally?
  • Avoid Smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Avoid heating of testicles.
  • Eat Milk Products and Milk.
  • Add recipes contains urad dal in diet.
  • Avoid bitter, astringent and junk food.
How to increase Sperm Count with Ayurvedic Medicines?

  1. With Ayurvedic treatment sperm count can be enhanced effectively and without any side effects. One should have to take medicine for 3-5 months depending on conditions of disease.
  2. We are getting mails from so many person who are suffering from low sperm count and want to increase the sperm count. But they are looking for safe and herbal medicines from qualified persons. Today there are so many person claiming about treatment of low sperms with ayurvedic medicines those who have no relation with ayurveda.
  3. we always try to advise best to person whenever you buy ayurvedic medicine must assure about qualification and clinic whom they are consulting. We are treating patients for last 9+ years with our ayurvedic medicines effectively.
  4. One can get free consultation from us by writing email at given below id. If anyone interested in buying medicine from us we'll clarify everything about costing and postage handling charges to client before.
  5. If a person only want prescription then he can get treatment from us by depositing fee of Rs.500/- only in our bank account or through western union. After receiving prescription fee, we will prescribed medicine for the disease and one can buy medicine from market too.
Our email id is:

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Allergic Rhinitis (Common Cold)
According to ayurveda, Allergic Rhinitis caused by toxins present in body (Aama) and due to low immunity. Aama aggravates the levels of kapha and pitta dosha which give rises to allergy induced symptoms.
Sign and symptoms:
  1. Excessive Sneezing
  2. Running Nose
  3. Irritation in Throat
  4. Itching in eyes
  5. Nasal congestion

How to get rid of this problem:

Take mixture of Ginger-Pepper-cardamom-Basil in equal quantity. Take 1/4th teaspoon daily twice with honey.

Other products available in market:

  • Tab.Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiye) 1-1-1
  • Tab.Septilin DS 1-x-1

for 30 days minimum

For chronic rhinitis/cold may write to



Pain around teeth or jaws reffered to Toothache. Generally tootache caused by jaw or tooth problems.
Common Causes:
  1. Cavity formation
  2. Gum problem
  3. Infections
  4. Eruption
  5. Impaction
Ayurvedic Treatment
  1. Clove oil application arround painful area found to be very effective. One can chew the clove by placing in between painful teeth.
  2. Make Mixture in given below quantity
  • Moulsiri 50 gm
  • Holly Basil 50 gm
  • Clove 10gm
  • Neem 50 gm
  • Fitkari (Alum) 20 gm
Daily clean your teeth with this powder. All your dental problem relived.

For any query

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kidney Stones

Renal Calculi:

Also termed as kidney stones. Common problem between 30-50 year of age factor all over the world. Kidney stones are solid accretions of mineral substances found in urine. Size and no. of stones may vary from 1-5 or more. Generally found in kidney, Ureter and Bladder.

According to ayurveda; Renal calculi (Vrikka-asmari) occur due to imbalance in Kapha dosha. Vitiation in Kapha dosha can bring accumulation of mineral deposits in urinary tract which give rise to kidney stones.

Sign and Symptoms

  1. Acute and severe pain in flanks, lower abdomen and groin area.
  2. Burning urination
  3. Haematuria (Blood in urine)
  4. Sometime nausea / vomitting
  5. rarely fever with rigor


  • Avoid Vitamin C rich diet and fruit like orange, lemon, tomatoes, brinjle etc.
  • Avoid mineral iron rich fruits like Apple, Figs, Pineapples etc.
  • Reduce Beverages such as tea/coffea.
  • Strictly avoid alcohol consumption.

Ayurvedic Medicines beneficial in Renal Calculi are

  • Ashmarihar Kshaye
  • Chandraprabha Vati

Ask me For Treatment of Kidney Stones, Ureter Stones, Bladder Stone:

Treatment Package Cost Rs. 2000/- for 30 days medicine.

100% Success Result with ayurvedic medicines.

No side effects.


Monday, March 3, 2008


It is paroxysmal ailment accompanied by severe headache mostly on half side of head. It may associated with Vision, Digestive and or liver problems.
According to ayurveda migrain can be considered as ardhavibhedak roga. Which may occer due to imbalance of tridosha. In maximum cases Pitta dosha is responsible for dilatation of blood vessels which causes onset of attacks of migraine.

Sign & Symptoms:
Headache in halfside of head (Either right or left) and often radiate from eye.
Area of pain may change in different attacks of migraine.
Pain may reccur daily, weekly or monthly.
Nausea and or vomitting.
Blood vessels on affected side may become prominent and pulsating.
One may face numbness or weakness in arm and face.

There are so many causes for migraine like-Hypoglycemia, Infections, Allergy, Certain Drugs, Mal nutrition, Dimnished Vision, Anxiety, Smoking, Drinking, Busy Hectic life, Starvation, Watching Television etc.

There are so many drugs available for migraine but even so many patients doesn't get full relief as there is no medicine till today which can challange 100% cure of migraine. Ayurvedic medicine aims not only to cure severe attacks of migraine but also prevent recurrance in future.
We are treating patients suffering from migraine problem effectively. Its treatment charges vary from Rs.2500/- Rs.7000/- only per month depending on the condition, chronicity and stage of migraine.
For any query you may write us @

Monday, February 25, 2008

Impotence योवन अक्षमता

Inability of man to achieve or maintain sufficient erection for orgasm or his sexual need is called as erectile dysfunction. Sometime it is also termed as "Impotence".ff

योवन अक्षमता : यदि कोई व्यक्ति सहवास अर्थात योवन संबंध बनाने में स्वयं को असमर्थ पाता हो यानि सहवास के लिए पुरुशांग में पूरा तनाव न आ पाता हो तोः उसे शंड या नपुंसक कह सकते है।

Causes Erectile Dysfunction:

  1. Masturbation for long time. लंबे समय तक हस्तमैथुन करना।
  2. Lower Testosterone level. टेस्तोस्तेरों का लेवल कम होना।
  3. Stress- Anxiety-Depression. तनाव- अनिद्रा- डिप्रेशन।
  4. Long hour working . ज्यादा समय तक कार्य करना।
  5. Taking anti-depressant or some sedative or tranqulisers. नशीली और एंटी-दिप्रेस्संट्स का प्रयोग।
  6. Some Diseases like- Neuro Problems, Parkinson diseases, Anemia, Depression, Endocrine Disorders, Arthritis etc. कुछ बीमारिया जैसे नयूरो प्रोब्लेम्स, पर्किंसों रोग, खून की कमी, एन्दोक्रिने प्रॉब्लम, अर्थ्रितिस आदि।

Is it Treatment is possible?

Yes, Erectile Dysfunction can be treated. Ayurvedic/Herbal medicines are very effective in treating Erectile Dysfunction. Ayurvedic mpreparation prepared by experienced ayurvedic doctor, if taken for 45-90 days shows miraculous results.

Are you preparing ayurvedic medicine for erectile dysfunction?

Yes, Our ayurvedic consultants also preparing ayurvedic formulations for last 8 years and success rate is 100%. Our medicines are free from any type of side effects. In 4-5 days, one can feel erection in penis.

Can any person take medicine for betterment in performance?

Yes, Anyone who feel fall in libido-strength and sometime ejeculates early can also take our preparations.

How, one can contact you?

Please write mail @ given below mail id with your problem. Treatment cost will be send to you in reply within 48-72 hours.


Related Topic from author:


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hair Fall & Ayurvedic Treatment

Structure of Hair:

Hair Can be divided into 2 Parts i.e. shaft and the root. Root part is present in our skin of scalp. Root of hair is surrounded by follicle. Base of root is just like bulb which is indented by capillaries and nerve fibres. The cells in the center of bulb divide. Previous cell after dividation moves up and takes the shape of hard hair shaft. Hair Shaft has three layers-
Cuticle: It is the outer transparent layer of hair. It protects inner layer and gives shiny look to hairs.
Medulla: Innermost layer composed of largest cells.
Cortex: Middle layer; contains pigment and keratin. Bulk & Strength of hairs determined by cortex

According to ayurveda, hair is considered as a tissue which uses the same nutrients of bone and considered as a tissue which is formed as bi product of bone tissue.

Causes of hair loss:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. High production of sebum.
  3. Inadequate nutrition.
  4. Stress & worry.
  5. Anxiety.
  6. Dandruff.
  7. Fungal infection of scalp.
  8. Some diseases like lupus, gout, diabetes

According to ayurveda:
Exposure to dust and heat, over sweating, alcohol consumption, skin problems are the main causes of hair fall and graying of hair.


Use Amla and Brahmi enriched oil .
Avoid chemical bases hair oils.
Take one piece of harar daily with water for 90 days minimum. Can reboot the growth of new hairs.
for more details write to


Friday, February 15, 2008

Low Sperms

Low Sperm Count (Shukranuo ki Kami)
So many males are interested in sperm count enhancement treatments by which they can increase semen quantity and quality they ejaculate every time after orgasm. Everyone has different reason for more semen production and better sperm quality. For example- Higher fertility, Longer intercourse time period and to increase self esteem. Semen and sperms are two different things. Good quality semen is responsible for good health while good amount of sperm responsible for offspring production. If one have proper percentage of sperms in semen he'll be able to produce child. But if their is low sperm count or less then normal then difficulty in conception may occur. On average if active sperms in semen is more then 65 % then he is able to produce next generation.

There are so many products in market which challenges that their products are sperm count enhancer. But results not sure.

Ayurvedic medicines are found to be very effective in sperm count enhancement. These also increase the quality of semen which is essential for good living. But these only beneficial when prepared under the guidance of qualified ayurvedic doctor. Ayurvedic medicines are safe, effective and free from any type of side effects. It will not disturb chemical balance of body.

Sperm enhancement can be gained with time after long abstinence but with this quality of semen may deteriorates.

With the use of our ayurvedic sperm count enhancer medicines quality of semen and virility of man also surely improved.

For sperm and semen treatment u may write to me @


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Arthritis (Joint Pains) and Ayurveda

Arhritis according to ayurveda:
Arthiritis is caused by excess of ama and lack of agni. This can be caused by poor digestion and weak colon resulting in accumulation of undigested food and buildup of waste matter. Poor digestion allows toxins to accumulate in the body and problem with colon allows the toxins to reach the joints. According to ayurveda arthritis is of three types i.e. Vataj-Pitaj & Kaphaj.

Signs & Symptoms:
It may vary from person to person according to severity and type.

  • Joint Swelling
  • Redness of Joint
  • Loss of Motion in Joint
  • Warmth Joint
  • Deformity of Joint
  • Joint Tenderness may be present.
  • Swelling, Pain and stiffness in or near the affected joint; common in morning.
  • Fatigue, feeling of weakness.
  • Limited movement of affected joint
  • Rise in pain while movement.
  • Sometime fever

Types of Arthritis:

There are more then 100 types of arthritis but common are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout and lupus.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: It is a musculo-skeletal condition charactrized by inflamations of membranes thoses line the body's joints and synovitis.

Osteoarthritis: It occurs when cartilage erodes. (Cartilage: normally cushions the joint and protect it from impact)

Gout: characterised by too much uric acid in tissues and blood. In gout, crystals of uric acid deposited in joint and give rise to gouty arthritis.

Lupus: Systemic Lupus erythematosus recognised by occassion rash on cheeks and bridge of nose.

Other causes of Joint Pains:

  • Bursitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Mysitis
  • Sarcoderma

Treatment of Arthritis in ayurveda:

Ayurveda attempts to eradicate ama from the joints and bring it back to colon and finally eliminate them. For elimination, we need to keep colon clear and healthy.

Ask for treatment:


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Small Sized Breasts....?

Mostly females need "Good Looking and Well Developed" breasts. Good looking breast size plays major role in making figure of a female. Female's Breasts are soft organ covered with skin. Breasts development starts at infancy itself but at that time breasts are flat just like males. If we see minutely then we can observe a thin milk line below nipple.

As the female grows and in future this milk line takes the shape of breasts. From infancy to puberty breast growth is very little. It just looks like mounds of flesh i.e. undeveloped breast tissue; around the nipples. As soon as puberty sets, development of breasts starts. Onecan find raised nipple and areola. Milk ducts also developing but it starts lactating only after conceving first pregnancy.

When a female stepping out of puberty and enters in adulthood; firmness of breasts increases. At this time nipples and areolas become more pronounced. Which later on develop more after pregnancy.
In some cases, Breasts remain undeveloped or mal-developed (fully not developed according to body). Which can be developed with ayurvedic treatment. Ayurvedic treatment is found to be very effective in development of breasts. In early age, If a female's breasts sag and get flabby then it will fail to have sexual attraction. Mostly female's confidence related with her breasts.

Breast Development remedy:
Several women all around the world are trying to improve the size of their breasts so that they would become more sexy and attractive. Natural breast enhancement can be done with the help of ayurvedic remedies.
Several ayurvedic creams and pills are available in market which are challenging that those can enhance breasts effectively. Our experts after experience of more then 8 years develop very effective ayurvedic(herbal) formulation which is found to be very effective when tried on so many women.

for more details contact

Thursday, January 31, 2008


"Shvet Pradra"
"White Discharge through vagina is known as Leucorrhoea". It is toxic condition of system. Generally it is caused by wrong feeding habits. When the body is fully filled with toxins and woman body unable to eliminate properly, the body in woman establishes profuse discharge or elimination through the mucous membrane of the uterus and vagina in the form of leucorrhoea.
In young females, it may occur during menses due to thickning of mucous membrane in reproductive organs give rise to the problem leucorrhoea.
In ayurveda leucorrhoea is known as "Shvet Pradra".

Signs and Symptoms:
  • Whitish or yellowish discharge from the vagina may or may not be with unpleasent odour.
  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Vaginal Itching
  • Pelvic Tenderness
  • Pain in the lumbar region and the calves
  • Dragging sensation in the abdomen
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Dirk Circles under Eyes


Generally it is associated with other illness but common factors are:

Fungal infection like Candidiasis

Parasitic infection like Trichomoniasis

Bacterial infections like Bacterial vaginosis

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Ayurvedic Treatment:

According to Ayurveda, excessive intake of sweet, sour, salty and heavy foods, such as dairy and sugars is the main cause for this disease. Ayurvedic treatment consists of restoring the "Digestive Agni" in order to eliminate the accumulation of mucus in the minute channels of the body. The accumulated toxins and mucus can be eliminated by herbal treatment and rejuvenating herbs are prescribed to tone the reproductive system.

For special ayurvedic course to cure leucorrhoea; write to


  • Special ayurvedic course cost Rs.1500/- only per month (For delivery in india only)
  • Special ayurvedic course cost US$.150/- only per month (For deliveryoutside india)

Ayurvedic Consultation

Ayurvedic Consultation
Ayurvedic Treatment