Monday, December 3, 2007


Ayurveda and Sexual Disorders

I know you ever listen or read about this name. Ayurveda the ancient treatment therapy of India. In which , herbs plays a vital role to cure diseases. This is the pathy which believe to be 100% safe. Now a days; whole world shows their faith in it because it is free from any side effect. This therapy not only cure the disease but also tells us, how to be remain fit in the nature with the help of nature.

Every disease if diagnosed correctly can be treated with ayurveda. According to research work, disease like Arthritis, Migraine, Obesity, Skin Problem, Male sexual disorder like Erectile Dysfunction, Low Sperm Count, Loss of Libido, Low Desire etc., Female disorders like Leucorrhoea, Menstrual Problems, Frigidity, loose and sagged Breast etc. are easily curable with ayurveda.

Common Sexual Disorders Female:

Leucorrhoea: White Discharge through vagina is the common disease in 60-70% females of the world. One can face sign & symptoms like Backache, Pain Lower Abdomen, Weakness, Loss of Desire and Fatigue.

It is curable with ayurvedic treatment. In 8 year of my practice experience, i have treated so many patients suffering from white discharge through vagina with 100% successful rates.

Frigidity: This is now a major developing problem in females, in which a female has no or less desire of intercourse.

This problem is curable with ayurvedic treatment. Any female suffering from the said problem if take ayurvedic prescription can go for sexual act in few weeks after treatment. Their are so many herbs explained in ayurveda which are found to be very beneficial in frigidity of females.

Common Sexual Disorders Male:

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. Erectile dysfunction is sometimes called as Impotence.

Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction:

ED is treatable at any age. The total treatment in for impotence is called as “ Vajikarana therapy” in ayurveda. As this therapy increases the strength of a man to perform sexual act, like a horse, it is called 'Vaajikarana'. ( ' Vaaji'=Horse)

Ask for ayurvedic treatment:

Ayurvedic Consultation

Ayurvedic Consultation
Ayurvedic Treatment