Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Menstrual (Period) Problems in Female & Ayurvedic Cure

Most Females have experienced some symptoms or discomfort associated with their monthly periods. It may be nothing more serious than feelings of irritation or tiredness a few days before their period which they can easily shrug off. Or it may be much more severe – depression, acute anxiety, food cravings, water retention, abdominal pain, or heavy bleeding etc.
which may turn the normal menstrual period cycle into a misery – for the women concerned and for their families too.
During this phase of the menstrual cycle levels of the sex hormones progesterone and oestrogen fall, affecting all parts of the body including the brain.
Pre Menstrual Syndrome and other menstrual problems are defined as an imbalance of Vata, one of three doshas or forces that control activity in the body. Among other things the Vata controls blood circulation and the system of sending messages to the brain.

Irregular Menstrual Period:

A normal menstrual period lasts from 2 to 7 days. The normal cycle patterns can range from 21 to 35 days. When bleeding occurs that is not part of the regular cycle;

  • Periods are longer or heavier than normal

  • Occurs between periods

  • Time between periods is longer than normal

  • There is an absence of periods

This is called abnormal or irregular uterine bleeding. There are various causes of abnormal bleeding, but the most common is a hormone imbalance. At both ends of the menstrual life of a woman, periods may be irregular.


  1. Pregnancy

  2. Stress

  3. Dietary problems , e.g. anorexia, bulimia or simply poor diet

  4. Too much exercise

  5. Drugs - prescription and recreational

  6. Thoughts and emotions

  7. Sexual activity - especially when it is a new occurrence

  8. Anxiety about pregnancy

  9. Illness or physiological imbalance e.g. thyroid conditions

Ayurvedic therapy aims to calm down the Vata dosha by detoxifying the body. This is one of the fundamental therapies of this ancient Indian system. Treatment starts with an assessment of the individual’s prakriti – their existing state of health – followed by the prescribing of herbal treatment.

For Ayurvedic Treatment according to cause:

just mail to


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