Tuesday, December 25, 2007

What is ayurvedic skin type?

  1. Vataj skin: It is in generaly dry, thin,delicate and cool to the touch, easily gets dehydrated, and is very vulnerable to the influence of dry windy weather. Vata skin may age faster, and tends to be dry, rough and flaky when out of balance.
  2. Pittaj skin: It is fair, sensitive, soft, warm, and of medium thickness. less tolerance to hot food, less tolerance to fieriness in temperament. Pittaj skin types tend to be more prone to freckles and moles than the other skin types. When out of balance, Pitta skin can flare up in rashes, Acne rosacea, Acne etc.
  3. Kaphaj skin: It has all the qualities of water and earth -- it can be oily, thick, pale, soft, cool and more tolerant of the sun. Kaphaj skin tends to age slower and form less wrinkles than the other two types. Kaphaj skin types may struggle with dull complexion, enlarged pores, excessive oil, blackheads, pimples etc.
  4. Vata-Pittaj skin is the Combination skin can be that is both dry and sensitive.
  5. Kapha-Pittaj skin is oily and sensitive.
  6. Vata-Kaphaj skin that is generally dry with some oily zones.
Vataj Skin Care
For Vata skin to stay youthful, skin care products used should be very nurturing. They must include some essential herbal oils combination, which can nourish the skin and rehydrate it, otherwise it may be susceptible to wrinkles and premature aging.
Going to bed on time, eating regular meals, and following a regular daily routine are essential components of a holistic approach to Vata skin care, as are eating foods that help balance Vata and nourish the Vata skin.
  • Suggestions for caring for Vataj skin:
    Vata skin types, for instance, will want to eat more warm, unctuous foods and favor the sweet, sour and salty tastes to balance the dry, rough, moving Vata dosha. Provide added nourishment to your skin by including organic milk, whole grains and green leafy vegetables in your diet. Drink lots of lukewarm water everyday for internal hydration. Eat plenty of sweet juicy fruits, they help cleanse the body from within and provide hydration as well. Include a little healthy fat such as Ghee (clarified butter) or olive oil in your diet for added lubrication. A warm oil self-massage is excellent for keeping skin lubricated. Use a gentle, all-natural moisturizer to keep facial skin hydrated. Use a gentle, moisture-balancing cleanser and splash your face with water several times when you cleanse.

Pittaj Skin Care
The Pitta skin type needs both cooling and nurturing care. Use skin care products that help enhance resistance to the sun. The ayurvedic herbs can help protect Pittaj skin from photosensitivity. But like other ayurvedic herbs, it needs to be used in combination with other herbs for a balanced effect on the skin.

  • Suggestions for caring for Pittaj skin:
    If you have a Pittaj skin type; Avoid hot, spicy foods. Stay away from harsh, synthetic cosmetics. Avoid hot spicy foods and fried foods. Eat lots of sweet juicy fruits and have some rose petal jam in cool milk every day. The rose is considered cooling for mind, body and emotions. Use cooling oil, such as coconut oil, for the daily massage. Use gentle, natural skin care products for cleansing and moisturizing.

Kaphaj Skin Care
"Kapha skin, because of its thickness and oiliness, is more prone to accumulate ama -- toxins under the skin. People with Kapha skin need to do detoxification on a regular basis, both internal detoxification and external detoxification to flush toxins from the skin," says Mishra.

  • Suggestions for caring for Kaphaj skin:
    Avoid heavy food which is hard to digest. Avoid too many sweet foods or deep-fried foods, they add to the oiliness in the skin. Eating more bitter, astringent and pungent tastes help stimulate digestion and balance Kapha skin. A daily warm oil massage can also help circulation. Eat plenty of organic vegetables and fruits to help cleanse the body from within. Cook with warming spices such as ginger and black pepper to stoke the digestive fire and inhibit the accumulation of ama inside the body.

If you have any skin problem, please write to me @


Monday, December 24, 2007

Herbal Clinic for Sexual Disorders

Herbal Clinic for Sexual Disorders

We provides advise & treatment for sex problems in men and women, Urine and VD problems.We provide treatment for Impotency, erection and ejaculatory problems in males and also for female sex problems at any age. We provide sex knowledge and consultation to people who seek guidance. Many people have myths & misconceptions about sex & sexuality. We try to remove these from their minds and provide correct guidance.

Treatment for Female Sex Realted Problems:
  • Menstruation disorders include amenorrhea (lack of menstruation)

  • Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)

  • Irregular cycles

  • Menorrhagia (excessive menstrual bleeding)

  • Leucorrhea

  • Small Sized Breasts: if due to any reason such as lack of diet, tension etc, breasts are not developed properly, it is cured with our treatment.

  • Habit of Mastubration in females

  • Indulgence of HomosexualityAbsence of sensation during the act of sex

  • Aversion to intercourse for any reasons

Treatment for Male Sex Realted Problems:

    • Erectile dysfunction (Impotency)

    • Small Sized PenisMastuburationVolume of semen ejaculated is less or thin.

    • Feeling of deficient erections

    • Loss of erection before sex without discharge

    • Loss of erection during sex with or without discharge

    • Premature Ejaculation (discharge of semen before the act of sex)

    • Hasty Ejaculation during the act of intercourse

    • Feeling of inability to do sex over longer period of time

    • Inability to enjoy further intercourse after act of sex

    • Impotency Occur due to Diabetes

    • Feeling of white Discharge(Dhatu) before/with/after Urine

    • Night Falls : Frequent Seminal emissionsInflamation, eruptions, itching of the prepuce-penis

    • Oligospermia: Quantity and Quality of Sperms is not good enough to conceive a baby

    • Want of erection at the time of intercourse as due to shyness or a thought that he is impotent.

    Being Ayurvedic; our treatment is without any side effects. So, you can consult us without any worries or hesitations.

    We will be glad to hear from you and help you to remove your problems and providing you healthy confidence.

    Please feel free to email us


    Tuesday, December 18, 2007

    Menstrual (Period) Problems in Female & Ayurvedic Cure

    Most Females have experienced some symptoms or discomfort associated with their monthly periods. It may be nothing more serious than feelings of irritation or tiredness a few days before their period which they can easily shrug off. Or it may be much more severe – depression, acute anxiety, food cravings, water retention, abdominal pain, or heavy bleeding etc.
    which may turn the normal menstrual period cycle into a misery – for the women concerned and for their families too.
    During this phase of the menstrual cycle levels of the sex hormones progesterone and oestrogen fall, affecting all parts of the body including the brain.
    Pre Menstrual Syndrome and other menstrual problems are defined as an imbalance of Vata, one of three doshas or forces that control activity in the body. Among other things the Vata controls blood circulation and the system of sending messages to the brain.

    Irregular Menstrual Period:

    A normal menstrual period lasts from 2 to 7 days. The normal cycle patterns can range from 21 to 35 days. When bleeding occurs that is not part of the regular cycle;

    • Periods are longer or heavier than normal

    • Occurs between periods

    • Time between periods is longer than normal

    • There is an absence of periods

    This is called abnormal or irregular uterine bleeding. There are various causes of abnormal bleeding, but the most common is a hormone imbalance. At both ends of the menstrual life of a woman, periods may be irregular.


    1. Pregnancy

    2. Stress

    3. Dietary problems , e.g. anorexia, bulimia or simply poor diet

    4. Too much exercise

    5. Drugs - prescription and recreational

    6. Thoughts and emotions

    7. Sexual activity - especially when it is a new occurrence

    8. Anxiety about pregnancy

    9. Illness or physiological imbalance e.g. thyroid conditions

    Ayurvedic therapy aims to calm down the Vata dosha by detoxifying the body. This is one of the fundamental therapies of this ancient Indian system. Treatment starts with an assessment of the individual’s prakriti – their existing state of health – followed by the prescribing of herbal treatment.

    For Ayurvedic Treatment according to cause:

    just mail to


    Monday, December 17, 2007

    Acne & Its Ayurvedic Cure

    Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the oil-secreting glands in the skin are clogged and become inflamed or infected. According to Ayurveda, Acne is believed to be from Pitta dosha aggravation.
    There is a bacterium that normally lives on the skin called Propionibacterium acnes. These bacteria live on the sebum produced by the skin oil glands. Sometimes, this bacterium multiplies and causes inflammation and acne.
    Foods generally do not cause acne. In some people, certain foods will make acne worse. The most common ones are chocolate, nuts, carbonated beverages, and milk. Most people's acne is not aggravated by these foods.

    Signs and Symptoms
    There are several types of acne lesions:

    1. Open comedone (blackhead) -- a plugged follicle that opens and turns dark at the surface of the skin. Blackheads do not indicate the presence of dirt.

    2. Closed comedone (whitehead) -- a clogged follicle. Whiteheads usually appear on the skin as small, round, white bumps.

    3. Pustules (pimples) -- inflamed pus-filled lesions that are red at the base.

    4. Papules -- inflamed lesions that appear as small, pink bumps on the skin.

    5. Cysts and nodules -- large, inflamed, pus-filled lesions deep under the skin that can cause pain and scarring.

    1. Ayurvedic medicines are very helpful to improve symptoms. A combination of ginger (zingiber officinale) , Vidang (Embelia ribes) reduced the number of inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions.

    2. Topical use of Aloe barbadensis, Azardirachta indica , Curcuma longa, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia arjuna & Withania somnifera reduces the number of lesions and pimples too.

    3. Almond Oil is good acne home remedy for dryness & inflammation of the skin. The outer cover (endocarp) of 2-3 can be ground with water & applied over the face daily. This is good for removing scars of old pimples.

    4. Apply a paste made by mixing equal quantity (One Tea spoon) of Almond, Rose, Chandan & Neem powder with a cup of cow's milk. Let this paste dry on your face for a few minutes before washing it off.

    5. Fresh juice of apricots applied on your face is very good for sunburn, itching, exzema and natural cystic acne treatment.

    For Any Query please mail to:

    Dr.Brijesh Kumar


    For any kind of consultation and treatment with ayurvedic formulations. Don't hesitate. Write to me

    Friday, December 14, 2007

    SHATAWARI- Herbal Tonic For Women

    In Ayurveda, Shatavari is traditionally used by women for overall health and vitality, to promote lactation, and as an aphrodisiac. In Sanskrit, the word Shatavari means ‘She who possesses 100 husbands.
    From Ancient time, Shatavari is used as an ingredient in herbal mixtures, which fight against impotence, weakness in sexual activities and sexual organs, inflammation of sexual organs in both sexes.

    Chemical Composition:
    Standardized Shatavari, 40% saponins

    Latin Name: Asparagus racemosus
    Family: Asparagaceae
    Synonym: Shatavari, Indian Asparagus, Hundred Roots, Asparagus roots, Tian men
    Parts Used : Roots (Rhizomes) and leaves.
    Source: Grows in low jungles areas throughout India.
    Properties: Rejuvenative, Aphrodisiac, Nutritive tonic, Antacid, Diuretic, Anti-tumor, Galactogogue, Antispasmodic & Demulcent.


    1. Good for reproductive organs, increases milk secretion and helps to regain vigour and vitality.
      Useful for infertility, impotence and general sexual debility, decreased libido
    2. Beneficial in Threatened Abortion, Menopause, Leucorrhea (Shwet Pradar) and has the ability to balance pH in the cervical area.
    3. Nourishes and cleanses the blood and the female reproductive organs.
    4. It nourishes the ovum and increases fertility.

    Ancient Formulations:

    Shatavar Ghrit

    Shatavari Churna

    Supari Pak

    Thursday, December 13, 2007


    Ashwagandha or Withinia somnifera is one of the most precious herbs in the Ayurveda. It is well known herb for maintaining Vata in the body. Vata dosha is in charge of all movement in the body as well as the movement of nerve impulses throughout the nervous system. It is also an established immune modulator & antioxidant. In male it is beneficial in treating low sexual desire, loss of libido & Impotence While It helps females to boost their desire for intercourse.
    It is very beneficial in following disorders:
    • Anxiety
    • Insomnia
    • Respiratory disorders
    • Nervous disorders
    • Gynecological disorders
    • Male infertility
    • Impotence.
    • Arthritis
    • Inflammation
    • Hypotension
    • Low Body Weight



    Monday, December 3, 2007


    Ayurveda and Sexual Disorders

    I know you ever listen or read about this name. Ayurveda the ancient treatment therapy of India. In which , herbs plays a vital role to cure diseases. This is the pathy which believe to be 100% safe. Now a days; whole world shows their faith in it because it is free from any side effect. This therapy not only cure the disease but also tells us, how to be remain fit in the nature with the help of nature.

    Every disease if diagnosed correctly can be treated with ayurveda. According to research work, disease like Arthritis, Migraine, Obesity, Skin Problem, Male sexual disorder like Erectile Dysfunction, Low Sperm Count, Loss of Libido, Low Desire etc., Female disorders like Leucorrhoea, Menstrual Problems, Frigidity, loose and sagged Breast etc. are easily curable with ayurveda.

    Common Sexual Disorders Female:

    Leucorrhoea: White Discharge through vagina is the common disease in 60-70% females of the world. One can face sign & symptoms like Backache, Pain Lower Abdomen, Weakness, Loss of Desire and Fatigue.

    It is curable with ayurvedic treatment. In 8 year of my practice experience, i have treated so many patients suffering from white discharge through vagina with 100% successful rates.

    Frigidity: This is now a major developing problem in females, in which a female has no or less desire of intercourse.

    This problem is curable with ayurvedic treatment. Any female suffering from the said problem if take ayurvedic prescription can go for sexual act in few weeks after treatment. Their are so many herbs explained in ayurveda which are found to be very beneficial in frigidity of females.

    Common Sexual Disorders Male:

    Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. Erectile dysfunction is sometimes called as Impotence.

    Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction:

    ED is treatable at any age. The total treatment in for impotence is called as “ Vajikarana therapy” in ayurveda. As this therapy increases the strength of a man to perform sexual act, like a horse, it is called 'Vaajikarana'. ( ' Vaaji'=Horse)

    Ask for ayurvedic treatment:

    Ayurvedic Consultation

    Ayurvedic Consultation
    Ayurvedic Treatment